
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:18:12
故事告诉我们:1.物理现象是光的反射。2.影子是光沿着直线传播,遇到不透明的物体就会在后面成影子,因为不透明物体阻止了光的传播,在后面就没有光线到达,其实只是相对于周围环境暗了些罢了,也不是什么奇怪的物体。个人认为“猴子捞月”的“月”是物体的虚像,不是影子。就像我们不能对这镜子里的自己说“那是我的影子”吧看到井中的玉盘,猴儿一呼百应,上挂下连,想把那个罕有之物打捞上来……这就是妇孺(rú)皆知的猴子捞月亮的故事。它之所以流传久远,不是猴子可爱,而是因猴子的愚蠢。1981年<<猴子捞月〉〉被拍成电影 ,于1982年获加拿大第四届渥太华国际动画电影节儿童片一等奖,1987年获保加利亚第四届卡布洛澳国际喜剧电影节最佳短片奖。

The story tells us that: 1. Is the physical phenomena of light reflection. 2. Shadow-ray is spread along a straight line, non-transparent objects will be encountered in the back into a shadow, as opaque objects to prevent the spread of light, there will be no light at the back of reach, in fact, only in relation to the surrounding environment only some of the dark, What is not strange objects. Personally think that "monkey fishing," "Moon" is the object of an illusion, not a shadow. We can not just mirror of their own, said, "That's my shadow," Well you see Yu Pan, Yihubaiying monkeys, even under the put, that trying to salvage a rare thing up ... ... This is the women and children (rú ) Known to the moon monkey fishing story. It is long passed, the monkeys are not cute, but because monkeys stupidity. 1981 <<monkey fishing on>> be made into a movie, in 1982, Canada was the fourth Ottawa International Animation Film Festival first prize f